Making a level editor with SFML (C++) - Part 1
MiguelMJ -A level editor is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time in SFML, but has always been delayed. Fortunately, my last project (Candle, a library for 2D lighting), made me dive entirely into SFML again, so when I finished it, the natural thing was to start with the editor project right ahead.
The design
There are several libraries to make GUIs in SFML. However, I didn’t want to use any of them, for two reasons: first, I wanted to learn to make GUIs from scratch in order to know how to implement one in my future game; second, I may suffer a little bit of NIH syndrome.
Anyways, the GUI I require is intended for my personal use and not very complex. The required features are:
- Pannable views with resizable viewports.
- A basic clickable menu.
- A color picker.
- Modularity centered around tools, so that it is easy to add new ones and scale the already implemented.
The levels
The editor will be focused on a tile world (or grid world). The levels I want to make would have the following components (note: I will be using the words component and entity, but not in terms of the ECS architecture):
- Visual component. It will be divided in layers (maybe with parallax) and it would require tools to:
- Set and transform the texture of a cell.
- Set the color of a cell.
- Set and transform visual elements that are not fixed to the grid.
- Set and transform light sources and lighting areas (here I will use Candle).
- Collisions component. It will require a tool to set the type of each cell, where the type can be:
- Solid cells.
- Unsolid cells.
- Cells with a solid slope.
- Dynamic components. These will be the entities within the level that do not belong to the grid, that will have the following elements:
- A sprite, optionally animated.
- A collision rectangle, circle or capsule.
- Some basic physic properties, as velocity and bounciness.
- Lastly, I would like to make the levels scriptable. I will be embedding Lua in the editor, so I can test directly the scripts there.
Obviously, any editor would be useless if you couldn’t save you work. I will use cereal to serialize the levels and the custom assets.