Colophon is a personal webpage to organize and share my thoughts and my work. Most of the content of this website is in English, but you might find some pages in Spanish.
The site is generated with Jekyll, using the jekyll-minifier plugin with default settings to reduce file sizes. The code snippets use syntax highlight provided by Rouge and a customized version of its base16.solarized.light theme. Math formulae are rendered using KaTeX by the jekyll-katex plugin.
The font used is Source Serif 4, retreived from Google Fonts.
The source code of this site is available in GitHub and deployed on Netlify.
This website has had different iterations that have reflected my relationship with design and web technologies, culminating in the current version, which is guided more by a philosophy than a design style. Said philosophy partially combines indieweb principles and brutalist web design and intends to align with a deeper attitude towards technology. I have therefore opted for a static, content-focused design.